Our Services
Northern Light Innovation understand that no client or project is identical to any other
So we create tailored proposals based on context, client insights and dialogue. We see our services as a flexible, evolving tool box from which we can take any combination of tools that fits the situation. Our toolbox contains:
Capability build & collaboration tools
Facilitation services for small or large groups: “Innovator facilitators”
Tailored workshops for problem solving on product, brand development, supply chain etc
Training in innovation tools, culture and Intellectual Property strategy.
Strategic Tools
Market mapping and opportunity identification
“Fresh eyes” review (focused on Insights, technology or supply chain)
IP landscaping
Assertive IP strategy (both before and after/during invention phase) – Technology Roadmapping – Innovation and platform strategy – Supply chain strategy
Idea generation and selection tools
– 3D innovation
– Targeted Ideation: generating a diverse list of what’s possible versus what’s needed
– Product, service, technology, supply
– OI and focused technology scouting/ expert sourcing
– Selection and risk reduction/ fatal flaw analysis
– Practical proof of principle
Delivery tools
Concept development and brand communication
Development programme planning – Creative technical problem solving – Product/ process development – Transformation science
Smart supply chain methodologies. Envisioned product attributes and features model